Laser Treatments
Clear and Brilliant for pigment.
Fraxel resurfacing for lightening birth mark.
Profractional resurfacing for acne scars - 2 treatments.
Halo resurfacing for fine lines and pigment.
Contour TRL resurfacing for texture and deep wrinkles.
Profractional resurfacing for scars - 3 treatments.
Profractional resurfacing for surgical scar - 2 treatments.

Kybella for double chin - 2 treatments.

Juvederm Ultra XC lip augmentation.

Juvederm Ultra Plus XC for marionette lines.

Restylane Refyne lip augmentation.

Juvederm Ultra XC lip augmentation.

Botox to the forehead, Juvederm Voluma to the cheeks, and Vobella to the lips.

Restylane Lyft for hand rejuvenation.

Restylane Refyne for dark circles under eyes.

Restylane Refyne for hallows under eyes, and Restylane Lyft for cheek augmentation.